It's been said that the Greek gods always envied mortals, because the very fragility of mortality illuminated every moment in a way the gods could never experience. It's in that spirit that I enter into the last three weeks of this particular chapter of life's adventures. In just 21 days, I will be a retired professional ballerina. God that sounds crazy.
There are moments when I am so excited to start the next chapter of my life, explore new talents and discover uncharted passions; and then there are the moments when I see the dead pointe shoes in the corner of my room on the floor, and I can't believe that they might not be coming with me to my next room. Even if dance is still a part of my life, pointe shoes, with true classical ballet, just... cannot be part of an amateur dancer's life. The intensity required to be truly good at this profession cannot ever be achieved part-time. I've made my peace with that (theoretically), but there are still twinges when I think of some of the best parts that I'm leaving behind. Clearing making decisions is not exactly my strong suit -- I know a lot of people who could've told you that a long time ago. So three weeks of fully indulging myself, throwing my arms down and my head up to the sky and letting all of the best parts of this life of dance rain down on me. And then, a little bit soggy, I'm gonna pack up my bags, put my sister in the car next to me, and drive west until we hit Puget Sound. Send me playlist ideas, it's going to be a long drive :)
Playlists!! No way!! We should just listen to whatever radio is local (hehe Nebraska should be fun...) and, you know, talk ;P