Sunday morning it was still cold, so I put on my winter coat and scarf and headed out to the St. Aubin market. The vegetable stall I went to two weeks ago had moved a little bit around the corner, but the man still very cheerily recognized me as the American dancer!! and was super helpful with making sure I got the local tomatoes (even though they didn't look quite as pretty, they taste better and were cheaper, and I hadn't seen them in their far-away row). I'm getting faster at going through the market, honing in on which stalls have the best produce, the bakery stand I always visit, the cheese-and-egg cart... :) pretty wonderful to have that be part of the weekly life here...
My spoils |
A few hours of online French history lectures later (with a few fresh from the market snack breaks), Olivier (the father of the family) and I went down to the apartment of Juliana, one of the soloists in the company who is redoing her bathroom, and therefore has a big mirror she doesn't need anymore. Olivier was a life saver, hauling the mirror down the three flights of stairs, and, you know, owning a car so we could get it back here. I can't wait to get it hung up (in the kitchen part of my bitty studio, opposite the window so it reflects the light back) to open up the space.
Then off I dashed downtown, to one of the few English pubs in town, "The Frog and Rosbif" (roast beef), for trivia night with some of the other dancers. Spectacularly failing at trivia, we had a good time drinking some of the pub's own microbrews and debating whether or not Steve Jobs deserved quite all the attention he was getting (if only he'd stuck around long enough to come out with iTeleport, then maybe he'd be worth some serious mourning, but alas, he went too soon).
Today was sleepy, in a wonderful way, full of beautiful sunshine and reading my book and catching up on news of the world and a long afternoon nap and a great yoga class. Ready to start next week, refreshed and restocked, with all sorts of yummy produce in my fridge :) It's a full moon tonight, bringing a reflective twist to a sleepy Monday, but now it's late, so I'll save some of my ponderings for another time.